Reform for Roadside Drug Testing in NSW

This report provides an overview of recent data provided to the Legislative Council by the Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism in New South Wales on 10 September 2024, with regards to roadside drug tests conducted over the last 5 years (by Local Area Command), number of positives by drug type and whether there has been improvements in road safety from the rollout of mobile drug testing programs (MDT) in NSW.

“While prescriptions for medicinal cannabis in Australia have continued to increase since being legalised in 2016, patients are unable to drive due to current drug driving laws and can be subjected to MDT programs which are conducted across New South Wales. 

There is a distinct lack of available data and information to assess the value and effectiveness of the MDT Program. We urgently seek the NSW Government’s commitment to transparency of documents and data around MDT.”

Read full report here

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