Cate Faehrmann, MLC (NSW)
Cate Faehrmann is a Greens MP in the NSW Legislative Council (Upper House) and the Greens spokesperson for drug law reform & harm reduction.
She’s a passionate environmentalist, a fierce feminist and a long-time campaigner for social reform, being a founding director of GetUp and former head of the Nature Conservation Council. In early 2019 Cate drew significant attention when, as part of her attempt to shift the conversation on drug use, she spoke about MDMA – not as a distant, dark, shameful memory, but as something that she and many other people have experienced positively and safely.
She believes that this truth-telling around the nature and extent of drug use must be the starting point for meaningful drug law reform. Cate is an advocate for policy based on evidence and has been pushing for legislative change that focuses on harm reduction instead of punishment. In 2019 Cate introduced the first bill to establish pill testing in NSW and in early 2021 introduced the first bill to legalise cannabis in NSW. She also intends to bring forward a bill to decriminalise all drugs in the near future.
Cate is a fierce opponent of the NSW Government’s roadside drug testing regime and is campaigning for a total overhaul of our drug driving laws to ensure that drivers are tested for impairment rather than the presence of drugs and that medicinal cannabis users will be able to drive without fear.